mardi 10 janvier 2017

The 10 Coolest Men’s Leather Jackets of the 2017 Season

Ode to the fall-into-winter leather coat.  If you’re still sporting your baggy leather coat from yesterday it’s time to hang it up, trade up, and find something that’s a bit trimmer in nature.  This year it’s all about the 50 shades of black motorcycle inspired leather coats.  Scan our picks for some of the trendiest men’s leather jackets this season, including some ‘faux’ options as, we hear you, it can be a bit much.

1.  Ralph Lauren Purple Label ‘Leather Biker’ Jacket: 

2.  Acne Studios ‘Ian Shearling’ Leather Jacket :


3.  Ted Baker London Trim Fit Leather Bomber Jacket in Navy Blue : 

4. Lamarque Leather Moto Jacket in Steel Grey : 

5.  Vince Camuto Classic Zip-Up Black Leather Coat :


6.  Faux Leather Bomber Jacket in Olive Green : 

7.  Baldwin ‘Johnny’ Leather Moto Jacket in Black : 

8.  Leather Moto Jacket With Removable Hood

9.  Wood-Wood ‘Dean’ Leather Jacket in Copper : 

10.  Diesel Sheepskin Leather Coat for Men :

lundi 9 janvier 2017

11 Creative Ways To Make Money On YouTube

Want to make money online? Consider becoming active on YouTube. YouTube gets more than one billion unique users a month: that’s a huge audience. Many people are already making money there: YouTube boasts one million creators in its YouTube Partner Program alone. It’s easy to get started. Use Google’s Creator Playbook. Before you know it you’ll have created your channel and will be ready to monetize. Need inspiration? Here you go.

1. Use YouTube to get traffic to your website and blog.

If you’ve got a website or blog which brings in income, you need traffic. Many websites were hard-hit by Google’s Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates. If this happened to you, you’re hurting. You can use YouTube to not only regain traffic, but also increase it. Get started using the Creator Playbook. Once you’re set up, consider repurposing some older content into videos, as well as creating new videos. Make sure that you link to your own website in the first line of your video descriptions, so you can funnel your YouTube traffic to where you want it to go.

2. Create products and promote them on YouTube :

If you’re creating your own products or would like to, YouTube offers unlimited ways for you to promote your products and make sales. Products you can create include ebooks, apps, art, and music. Create your products, and add them to a shopping cart. Then use YouTube to promote them. As we mentioned above, add a link to your product in your video’s description, so that viewers can buy.

3. Sell others’ products as an affiliate marketer :

“Affiliate marketing” means selling products in exchange for a commission. Hundreds of thousands of companies offer attractive deals to affiliate marketers who promote their products, including huge companies, like Amazon and eBay, as well as smaller companies. Additionally, there are many affiliate networks you can join. These networks include ClickBank, Commission Junction, and

Join Amazon’s affiliate program
To make money from YouTube as an affiliate marketer, review your affiliate products on video, or create “how to use this product” tutorials. Don’t forget to link to your products in your YouTube descriptions – make sure you’re using your affiliate link, or you won’t get credit for sales.

4. Get creative: Create a Web TV series :

Love telling stories? YouTube lets you create your own Web TV shows. You’re limited only by your imagination… and your budget. You can create a comedy series, a drama series, or your own talk show. Be aware that YouTube limits your show’s length to 15 minutes. To upload longer videos, you’ll need to increase your limit. If you’re a frustrated TV or screen writer, get a few friends together, and record your own TV shows. You never know. If you get lots of views, you may develop a new career.

5. Become a YouTube personality :

YouTube stars can make a lot of money. BlueXephos for example, has almost a billion channel views. At $7 per thousand video views, the income soon mounts up. If you’ve got quirky ideas, or are passionate about your interests, develop your YouTube channel. You never know, you may be the next YouTube star.

6. Monetize your videos with the YouTube Partner Program :

After you’ve created several videos, it’s time to join the YouTube Partner Program. All you need to do is enable your channel for monetization, and you’ll receive your share of the income from advertising on YouTube. Just as the YouTube stars do, you’ll get paid for each thousand views on your videos.  your first step is to verify your channel.

7. Teach: share your knowledge with tutorials :

Tutorials are huge on YouTube. If you know how to do something, you can teach others, and make money from your videos. Beauty videos are popular. Michelle Phan for example has over 1.3 million views.

8. Test-market your products :

YouTube is an amazing resource for market research – you can soon discover whether your brilliant, innovative idea is likely to be profitable. For example, if you’ve got an idea for a product, but need funding, create some videos before you create a campaign. The views and comments on your videos will tell you whether your idea is viable in its present form. The YouTube audience can even help you to make it viable, so that your efforts to get funding are successful.

9. Become an expert on meta data: use keywords to get an audience :

One hundred HOURS of video are uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE. This means that there’s huge competition for attention. You need to do everything you can to ensure that your videos get found. Your videos’ meta data will help. “Meta data” is data which gives information about your videos. In its Creator Playbook, YouTube tells you how to create your meta data:
YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, and it uses metadata – your video’s title, tags and description – to index your video correctly. To maximize your presence in search, promotion, suggested videos and ad-serving, make sure your metadata is well optimized.
Optimizing your videos for search makes the difference between success and failure, so be sure to do it.

10. Build your brand using YouTube :

As marketing guru Tom Peters pointed out way back in 1997, you’re a brand, and you have power. YouTube helps you to amplify YOU. Whatever you’re doing, and whatever your job, YouTube can help you to become known for your strengths, and make money. Even if you have no clear idea on how you could make money on YouTube, get started creating videos about your interests. You may just stumble across a gold mine… just as the people who turned their pets into stars have done.

11. Turn your child or pet into a star (and make money) :

Two cats, Lil Bub and Grumpy Cat, started out on YouTube, and have become worldwide stars, with book deals.
“You do not have to be a singer to become a YouTube star. If you are lucky, you could shoot a video of your child, pet, or a double rainbow that strikes a chord and goes viral.”
So keep your video camera handy. If you see something cute, video it, and upload the video. (Don’t forget the meta data.) You never know who or what will be the next video sensation. Create that sensation, and you’ll make money. So there you have it – eleven creative ways you can make money on YouTube.
As the name might imply, there are a lot of items on this list of ways to make money from the internet (over 200 to be more specific), so be prepared for a lot of scrolling because this is one seriously long infographic.

vendredi 6 janvier 2017

10 Best Muscle-Building Back Exercises!

Not sure which exercises to select on back day? Check out our list of the 10 best back builders and get ready to grow! 

When you crack your exercise toolkit open each week on back day, you've got a seemingly endless array of movements available. Knowing which tools are best suited for building a wide, thick back will help you get the job done faster, which is why we've assembled our list of top 10 mass-building back exercises.
While head-to-head exercise comparison research is a bit limited in this area, we selected the following 10 exercises based on factors such as available literature, how difficult each movement is, how much muscle each stimulates, and how unique each exercise is compared to others. This list will also help you figure out where to place each exercise in your workout.
If you get bowled over by the sheer number of rows you can do on back day, or even draw a total blank when thinking of new exercises to try, consider this list your new back blueprint. Give us your thoughts at the bottom in the comments and add any other recommendations you might have!

1. Barbell Deadlift :

Why it's on the list: This is technically more than a back exercise—it hits the entire posterior chain from your calves to your upper traps—but it's the absolute best for overall backside development. Technique is uber-important with the deadlift, but once you nail it, you can progress to lifting monster weights that will recruit maximum muscle, release muscle-building hormones, and help you get big.
There are also numerous deadlift progression programs you can follow to help you reach new personal bests. Physiologists love to prescribe the deadlift when programming for strength and conditioning because the exercise hammers your musculature and is one of the best choices to strengthen your bone structure.

Stick with the conventional deadlift on back day; other variations, like the popular sumo-style, increase the activity of muscle groups other than the back.[1]
In your workout: If you're going heavy (sets of fewer than about 6 reps), do deadlifts first so you're fresh. If you're doing deads for repetitions, you can do them later in your workout.

2. Bent-Over Barbell Deadlift :

Why it's on the list: This is probably the second-best back movement in terms of sheer weight you can lift. EMG research has suggested that hitting bent-over barbell rows will work the larger muscle groups of the upper and lower back equally, making this a great overall back builder.[2] Like the deadlift, this is another technical move that requires excellent form but rewards you with a ton of muscle.
 In your workout: Do bent-over rows toward the start of your back workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges, about 6-8 or 8-10. The Smith version is a suitable substitute; it locks you in the vertical plane, but your body has to be in just the right position relative to the bar. The bent-over barbell row has a significantly greater lumbar load than many other back exercises, so it's best done early in your workout in order to save your lower back.[2] If you're wrecked from deadlifts, it may behoove you to skip this movement.

3. Wide-Grip Pull-Up :

Why it's on the list: It's always a good idea to have an overhead pulling movement in your back routine, and the pull-up is one of the best. Wide-grip pull-ups are excellent for putting emphasis on the upper lats. A closer grip may allow for a longer range of motion, but it may be possible to load the wide-grip pull-up to a greater degree because of an optimized starting joint position. The biggest challenge here for most trainers is training to failure in the right rep range for growth, which is 8-12.
If you do pull-ups early in your workout, you might have to add a weighted belt. Of course, if you find them difficult, you can always use an assisted pull-up machine or a good spotter, or switch to the wide-grip pull-down, which is a solid substitute. If your shoulders are healthy, pulling behind the head is okay.
Good form is extremely important here. In the starting position, the scapula should be retracted—pull your shoulder blades down and toward each other—prior to initiating the pull.

 In your workout: Because the pull-up range of motion is so long, several light reps make great warm-up moves for the shoulder joints. Since form is so important with these, it may be best to push pull-ups toward the front of your workout to ensure proper shoulder-joint positioning.

4. Standing T-Bar Row :

Why it's on the list: We selected the T-bar row over a chest-supported version because you can pile on much more weight here, even though that typically translates into a bit of cheating through the knees and hips. For some, maintaining a flat back can be challenging, in which case the supported version is a better choice.
These aren't squats, so keep your legs locked in a bent angle throughout. You also typically have a choice of hand positions and width. A wider grip will put more emphasis on the lats, while a neutral grip will better target the middle back (rhomboids, teres, and traps). This exercise is probably one of the easier rows to spot.

In your workout: Do this toward the front half of your workout. Rather than slinging weight around with this movement, really focus on the stretch and contraction of the back. If you're an experienced lifter, load up with 25s instead of the 45s, and further increase range of motion by allowing a slight protraction of the scapula at the bottom of every rep. If you do this, be sure to "reset" with a flat back before initiating the next pull!

5. Wide-Grip Seated Cable Row :

Why it's on the list: Just about everyone defaults to the close-grip bar on rows. If that sounds like you, you'll find using a wide grip on a lat bar a nice change of pace because it shifts some of the emphasis to the upper lats. Wide rows mimic some back machines, so don't do both in your workout unless you make some other kinds of changes, like grip or target rep range. You might even try flipping your grip—and going about shoulder-width apart—which better targets the lower lats as the elbows stay tighter to your sides.

In your workout: Like machines, cables are best done toward the end of your workout. Choose a weight that enables you to complete no more than about 12 reps.

6. Reverse-Grip Smith Machine Row :

Why it's on the list: Reverse-grip movements mean two things: The biceps play a greater role, and with the elbows now pulling back close to your sides, the target becomes the lower portion of the lats. The Smith machine allows you to concentrate only on pulling as much weight as possible, since you don't have to worry about balancing it.
Bend over about 45 degrees, staying close to the bar, and expect a little contribution from the hips and knees when you're pounding out the heavy sets. While some gym rats consider the Smith machine taboo, the fixed plane of the movement and ability to really control a weight (think tempo of four seconds up and four down) can be both a novel and humbling exercise.
In your workout: You don't need more than a single reverse-grip movement in your routine. Do it about midway through your workout, after your heavy overhand pulls. At any point in your back workout, don't be afraid to throw on some wrist straps. Your goal is to hammer your back and put it through the wringer, not be constantly limited by your grip strength.

7. Close-Grip Pull-Down :

Why it's on the list: Since we've already covered the wide-grip pull-up, the wide-grip pull-down is too similar, so we opted for the close-grip handle for our pull-down selection. EMG research suggests that use of a close neutral grip activates the lats similarly to a regular grip, so you're not missing out on any muscle fibers.[3] As mentioned earlier with pull-ups, a closer grip does allow for a longer range of motion and increased time under tension for the lats, which is great for building muscle.

In your workout: This exercise can make a good warm-up move for your shoulders, but when used as a mass-building exercise, it's best placed toward the end of your workout for sets of 8-12 reps.
Slow down the rep tempo on these, squeeze hard at the bottom of each rep, and allow a good stretch at the top.

8. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row :

Why it's on the list: This is a great unilateral exercise—each side works independently—that allows you to move a lot of weight. You'll get greater range of motion when training unilaterally, and you won't be restrained if your weaker side fails first. You may also be better able to support your lower back—which may have taken plenty of punishment by now—when placing one hand on a bench. Allowing a slight degree of rotation of the trunk may engage a greater degree of "core" musculature, as well.[2]

In your workout: Unless you intentionally flare your elbow out wide, this exercise focuses more on your lower lats. Do it anywhere from the middle to the end of your workout for sets of 10-12.

9. Decline Bench Dumbbell Pull-Over :

Why it's on the list: Pull-overs for back? Absolutely! This one mimics the straight-arm cable pull-down you're probably familiar with. Yes, this is a single-joint move, but it allows you to really target and torch your lats. The decline version puts your lats under tension for a longer range of motion than when using a flat bench. Just make sure the dumbbell clears your head, and drop it on the floor behind you when you're done.

In your workout: In almost all cases, single-joint movements should be done last in your body-part routine. Keep the reps on the higher end for a nice finishing pump, around 12-15 per set.

10. Single-Arm Smith Machine Row :

Why it's on the list: This bad boy is basically a single-arm dumbbell row performed on a Smith machine. It's a great and novel choice for your lower lats. Stand sideways to the machine, grasping the bar toward the middle, and keep your body close to the apparatus using a split stance and bent knees for balance. As you pull the bar up as high as you can, your body may sway a bit to keep the movement natural, which is OK.
In your workout: Do this exercise toward the end of your back routine for sets of 8-10 or 10-12. Do it in place of the single-arm dumbbell row—not both—since the exercises are similar.

jeudi 5 janvier 2017

How to tell a Girl you Love her?

Worried about confessing love to a crush? Do you fear she will refuse? Here are six steps to fearless confessions.

Step 1: Be Certain  

It may be difficult to be certain of someone just after one meeting, as to whether he or she is the one made for you. You need to devote ample amount of time to discover more and more of her positives than the negatives as you move on. The three crucial words of love are meant only for one person- so say it out only when you are sure of having found your companion for life. Remember, once said, you can not take those words back.  

Step 2: Be Genuine  

The other sex is always apprehensive about his or her companion being truthful and serious about the relationship. You may have to do little things like plan a surprise or make your partner feel special. Whether love is confessed over a certain period of time, or expressed with spontaneity, it is very important for your partner to be sure of your sincerity and seriousness of your love for him or her.  

Step 3: For Slow-Learners  

If you are too dismal or pathetic to wait till you know she would not take your calls and then, leave a text professing your affection and love for her. By this you are not pressurizing her to answer you at the spur of the moment.  

Step 4: Spontaneity  

If you are sure you are in love, then why wait for occasions? Confessions and feelings come out for the partner come out naturally once you are in love. Expressions like 'I Love You' are then blurted out most often, regardless of situations and locations it is suitable for.  

Step 5: Be Well-thought Out  

If you like it subtle, well-thought out and controlled, then you could plan a surprise- maybe dinner with some exotic wines, cuisines and music for that special one. The more important confessions though have to be extremely subtle. But do not hesitate and falter. Just say it out. Keep the confession short and simple. Less is always more.  

Step 6: Interpreting Reactions  

You have finally done the bit. Congratulations. Oh wait, its time for her to speak now.  Don't be excited if she says 'Thank you' for this is not really the right time to ask her if she loves you too.  Relax. She may need time to think about it. Remember, her silence doesn't mean a 'Yes' for you.  
Oh, what if she says YES? What would you do now? So, don't be panicky. This is what you really wanted, right? Now that all is well, do not stop the conversation. Its not the end of your date. Talk about things to continue the conversation. You could even decide whether to make the relationship public or not.

lundi 2 janvier 2017

Top Fashion style for girls 2017

Teen years are interesting and unpredictable on their own. It’s a period of life when person is no longer child, but not yet an adult. Tastes and preferences at teenage age also may change depending on mood or under influence of authorities. This also applies to teen fashion 2017. There are certain teen girls clothing trends 2017, for which, younger generation is closely tracks and trying to follow them. Because in given moment taste begins to form, manifested interest in clothing experiments and formed future style of clothing. Today we will present our touch on «teen fashion 2017: teen girls clothing trends 2017».

Designers, perfectly understanding the features of teen girls clothing, tried in their 2017 fashion collections satisfy huge variety of tastes in teen clothing, shoes and accessories for today’s younger generation.

Trendy clothes for teen girls 2017

Fashion of rioters and revolutionaries, young fashionistas are always interesting and nontrivial. So, let’s see, how teen fashion 2017: Teen girls clothing trends 2017 are formulated.
  • Modern stylish teen image is impossible without appropriate footwear. In spring time it could be sneakers on platform. Options of boots on flat sole, ugg boots, fur boots or exaggerated sport boots offers teen fashion 2017 for next winter.

 .Shirts and T-shirts for teens are an essential item in wardrobe of teen girls. Designers offer elongated asymmetrical models with a variety of prints. These shirts and T-shirts for teen girls look magnificent with a short leather jackets, college-jackets and sweatshirts. T-shirt could be worn with skirt or jeans and sneakers or boots.

 . Spring-summer season will delight teen girl fashion with variety of T-shirts and cropped tops that experts advise to wear with long to floor skirts. Same length sundresses may also become alternative option.

  • Clothes for teen girls in 2017 are unthinkable without bright metallic tops. Although by cutting they are simple and concise, but thanks to glitter and metallic sheen look very impressive. Top could be supplemented with short denim skirt, skinny jeans or wide ragged “boyfriends”.
  • Classic, elongated, knitted cardigans don’t leave fashion. In wet or cold weather they are perfect item of teen girls clothing. Fall winter fashion 2017 offers to teens diverse soft and cozy cardigans.
  • Jeans can rightly be called as leader of any teenage girl wardrobe. Tight skinny jeans of all shades are in trend for 2017. Skinny jeans for teens successfully combined with T-shirts and sweatshirts. Another perfect look for teen girls is jeans-culottes. Wide, flared from hips, cropped models look perfect with high Martens boots, or rude Dockers.

 . Shorts are indispensable part of clothes for teen girls in summer, which better to pick from denim. Tight shorts made of elastic fabric with a high waistline like girls from sport support groups also in fashion trends 2017. Nowadays these shorts can be safely worn not only for Cheerleading, but also as casual wear in hot weather.

  • New collections represent skirts for teen girls with clearly drawn waistline. And bright and exotic print (fantasy flowers, space, abstraction, etc.) will not leave indifferent any fashionista. These skirts are versatile and combine with things in any style from classical blouses to sport jumpers.
  • Every self-respecting girl must have dresses for teens in stock. In new season, designers are betting on monochrome models of dresses for teens in simple cut. Styles are quite diverse: from the tight knitwear to free shapeless dresses for teens made of light, flowing fabric. Denim sundresses with original patches and fun prints are gaining popularity.

  • Accessories are necessary accents of any teenage girl image. There is no limit to imagination: earrings, pendants, chokers, bracelets, rings and much more. In such diversity it’s difficult to identify any trends, because in the collections you can find absolutely any decorations.

I hope that «Top Fashion style for girls 2017 & clothing trends 2017 helped you.

dimanche 1 janvier 2017

mercredi 28 décembre 2016

(Must Read) 80 Best Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

It is often said that actions speak louder than words. However, this is not always the truth when it comes to a person’s romantic life. You lover expects you to show them your caring and sweet side and also express the same in words. One of the most common ways of expressing such emotions is by telling your lover “I love you”. Even so, sometimes, your words need to go past these three words. In fact, the words “I love you” have been used by many to declare their love to the extent of becoming a cliché.